Who’s That Pokemon? It’s Rowlet!

I am always so envious of people who can sew. It’s a talent I don’t possess, but seriously would love to! Tatiana, who along with being a talented photographer for Kansas City Photography, is also a cosplayer! She is the woman behind Momo Bunny Cosplay. She made this from scratch — in the matter of a couple of days:

Rowlet (3)

She is cosplaying Rowlet from Pokemon:


How original, unique, and utterly awesome — amirite?

Rowlet (10)

She even made it so when she fans out the cape, it looks like wings! Whoooooa!

Rowlet (8)

Rowlet (5)

We took these photos when she came up to visit me in St. Louis! We own 4 acres, so we had some fun in the woods.

At one point, I asked her to climb a tree … it was so tall, it even involved a ladder. Tatiana was a true sport about it — even when the photos didn’t turn out how I liked.

Buuuut, here’s a picture of her peeking around a tree instead:

Rowlet (4)

This shot below took a few tries, but we finally got the right background, the right leaf toss, and the perfect smile:

Rowlet (1)

It was also a bit toasty outside when we started the shoot — and I am sure Tatiana was feeling it, too. Wigs are no joke! They pretty much warm up your head approximately 200-degrees.

Rowlet (2)

Tatiana made her Rowlet debut at Anime St. Louis, and entered its Cosplay Masquerade competition. I was there with her when she signed up. There were two options: A) Just sign up to walk in the fashion show, without competing against the other cosplayers, or B) Walk in the show and have your cosplay judged.

The woman who was signing people up was telling Tatiana how it was a fierce competition. She decided to compete anyway, and she won this certificate for her Original Concept design of Rowlet!!!


So, for my old-school fans of the Pokemon show, I ask you: “Whoooooo’s that Pokemon?!”

Rowlet (9)

It’s Rowlet!

Rowlet (6)

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